5 symptoms associated with trauma.

Jason Brien.

1. Hypervigilance and avoidance: Trauma survivors may develop hypervigilance, a heightened state of alertness and readiness for potential threats. This can lead to avoiding certain situations, people, or places that trigger memories or reminders of the traumatic event. While these behaviors may initially serve as protective mechanisms, they can become limiting and affect the individual's ability to engage in everyday activities or maintain healthy relationships.

2. Emotional dysregulation: Trauma can disrupt an individual's ability to regulate their emotions effectively. This can manifest as intense mood swings, outbursts of anger or irritability, difficulty experiencing positive emotions, or emotional numbing. These changes in emotional expression and regulation can impact relationships and overall well-being.

3. Social withdrawal and isolation: Trauma survivors may withdraw from social interactions and isolate themselves as a way to protect themselves from potential harm or triggers. The fear of being vulnerable or misunderstood can lead to a sense of loneliness and further exacerbate the impact of trauma on mental health.

4. Substance abuse and self-destructive behaviors: Some individuals may turn to substance abuse or engage in self-destructive behaviors as a way to cope with the distressing emotions and memories associated with trauma. These behaviors can provide temporary relief or escape but often lead to long-term negative consequences and hinder the healing process.

5. Changes in relationships and trust: Trauma can significantly impact an individual's ability to trust others and form secure attachments. Survivors may become guarded, have difficulties forming intimate relationships, or experience challenges in establishing boundaries. The experience of trauma can also affect existing relationships, leading to strain, conflicts, or a breakdown in communication.